
On this page, explore lists of published studies on possibility development by GPN team members and affiliates, as well as those in progress in the GPN Working Papers series.

Completed Publications

Michael J. Nakkula, & Eric Toshalis. (2006). Understanding Youth : Adolescent Development for Educators. Harvard Education Press. 

Adolescent development research and theory have tremendous potential to inform the work of high school teachers, counselors, and administrators. Understanding Youth bridges the gap between adolescent development theory and practice. Nakkula and Toshalis explore how factors such as social class, peer and adult relationships, gender norms, and the media help to shape adolescents' sense of themselves and their future expectations and aspirations.

Nakkula, M. J., & Schneider-Muñoz, A. J. (Eds.). (2018). Adolescent psychology in today's world : Global perspectives on risk, relationships, and development [3 volumes]. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Volume 1. The Americas / with Sharon M. Ravitch, associate editor 

Volume 2. Europe, Russia, and Australia / with Karen VanderVen and Salwa El Habib, associate editors 

Volume 3. Africa, Asia, and the Middle East / with Andrew Babson, associate editor.

Continually unstable or perpetually poor economic conditions, globalization, and rapid technological change are just three of the forces affecting a group 1.2 billion strong today, a demographic poised to become our world leaders and catalysts in the not-too-distant future: the world's adolescents. Led by two editors who have been dedicated to studying adolescent development worldwide for decades, this novel collection of works from contributors in more than 40 countries emphasizes how possibilities for healthy mental and physical development are affected by the difficulties youths face in their countries and how these challenges have shaped, and are shaping, contemporary teenage life today. The set comprehensively addresses issues for adolescents across the globe, such as the day-to-day challenges of poverty, inadequate education, violence or war, disease, reproductive matters, globalization and technological challenges, and more, while also providing a strengths-based focus in the volumes, showing how and why some teenagers in each country have surmounted the challenges and forged stronger characters to better their worlds. These stories document more than personal victories, and their experiences matter to far more than the adolescents themselves. In its State of the World's Children 2011 report, UNICEF noted that the world community needs to turn its attention to adolescents in need, explaining that focusing on this large and potentially powerful group makes economic sense as well as being a necessary step in working towards achieving human justice. By addressing the risks, challenges, and strengths of teenagers as a group in countries worldwide, this work serves to break the cycle of poverty, violence, discrimination, and death for adolescents.

BABSON, A. (2014). Developing Possibilities for South African Youth: Beyond Limited Educational Choices? The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science652, 149–165.

The South African government must do more to help learners at all educational levels position themselves for class mobility, economic security, and occupational ful- fillment. As of the last quarterly labor force survey of 2012, the national unemployment rate was 24.9 percent. Almost three-quarters of the unemployed are between 15 and 34 years of age; and of them about two-thirds lack a matric qualification (equivalent to high school diploma), about one-third had such qualification but no more, and the remaining few had a tertiary qualification. It is obvious that the macroeconomic causes of structural unemployment need immediate attention; this article also argues that there should be concurrent efforts to promote high school completion rates and expand options for postsecondary education. Specifically, this article explains the yet-untapped power of multilingual education to improve learning and classroom engagement, and also looks to a handful of European postsecondary education models that offer accommodating and worker-friendly paths to occupational flourishing.